Information for childcare providers

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Schemes, guidance and resources.

15 and 30 hours childcare

15 and 30 hours childcare is available to eligible working families in England with children aged between 9 months and 4 years old. 

From September 2024, eligible families have been able to access 15 hours of childcare if their child is aged between 9 months and 2 years. This is in addition to the 15 hours available to all parents of three and four year olds. These two offers can be combined to make 30 hours in the term following the child's 3rd birthday. 

Just like the 15 hours entitlement, you do not have to offer 30 hours childcare.

From September 2025, the 15 hour working parents offer for 9 months to 2 years old will increase to 30 hours.

Learn about 15 and 30 hours childcare

Universal Credit Childcare

Universal Credit Childcare provides financial support to households to help meet some of their eligible childcare costs enabling them to take up or progress in work. 

You may be able to claim up to 85% of your registered childcare costs if you’re eligible for Universal Credit, in paid work or due to start a job in the next month.

Learn about Universal Credit Childcare

Tax-Free Childcare

Tax-Free Childcare is a UK wide offer. Eligible working parents with children 11 or under can get up to £2,000 per child, per year, towards their childcare costs (or up to £4,000 for disabled children 16 or under).

You will only be able to receive Tax-Free Childcare payments from your customers if you’ve signed up to Tax-Free Childcare.

Learn about Tax-Free Childcare