Early Years childcare

15 and 30 hours childcare

The current offer

Eligible working parents and carers of children aged 3 - 4 can get an additional 15 hours of childcare support, bringing the total support they can get up to 30 hours a week. Eligible working parents of 2-year-olds can also access 15 hours of childcare support.

Some parents of 2-year-old children may also be entitled to 15 hours childcare support, if they receive some additional forms of government support. Please note, if you’re eligible for both the working entitlement and the 15 hours for families receiving support, you cannot take up both offers, and should apply for the 15 hours for families receiving support. You can do this by contacting your local authority.

Your hours can be used per week for 38 weeks of the year (during school term time). You may be able use your hours for up to 52 weeks if you use fewer than your total hours per week. Check with your childcare provider to find out if this is something they offer.

You can use Tax-Free Childcare or Universal Credit Childcare whilst claiming your 15 or 30 hours of childcare support.

The expanded offer

From April 2024, eligible working parents of 2-year-olds can access 15 hours childcare support. By September 2025, most working families with children aged between 9 months and 5 years old will be entitled to 30 hours of childcare support.

The changes are being introduced gradually to make sure that providers can meet the needs of more families. This means that:

From September 2024

15 hours childcare support will be extended to eligible working parents of children from the age of 9 months to 3-year-olds.

From September 2025

Eligible working parents of children from 9 months to school age will be entitled to 30 hours of childcare a week.

Like the existing offer, depending on your provider, these hours can be used over 38 weeks of the year (during school term time), or up to 52 weeks if you use fewer than your total hours per week.

How many hours childcare can you get per week?

Age 9 months - 2 years
Working families
  • 15 Hours
    Sept 2024
  • 30 Hours
    Sept 2025
Age 2-3 years
Families receiving government support
  • 15 Hours
Working families
  • 15 Hours
  • 30 Hours
    Sept 2025
Age 3-4 years
All parents
  • 15 Hours
Working families
  • 30 Hours

*38 weeks a year. Eligibility criteria apply. Providers may ask for additional charges.