All 3 to 4 year olds in England can get 570 funded hours per year from the term after your child turns 3 years old through to starting school. This is usually taken as 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year. You can choose to take fewer hours over more weeks, if your childcare provider offers this option.
It's available at participating:
- full day care (e.g nurseries)
- schools
- childminders
- sessional providers (e.g. playgroups)
- Sure Start Children's Centres
- after school clubs
Start date
The offer will start from 1 January, 1 April or 1 September following your child's 3rd birthday.
If my child turns 3 years old between | I can access their funded hours from |
1 January to 31 March | Term starting on or after 1 April |
1 April to 31 August | Term starting on or after 1 September |
1 September to 31 December | Term starting on or after 1 January |
You may have to pay for extra costs such as:
- meals
- nappies
- additional hours
- additional activities, such as trips
Ask your provider what extra costs you will have to pay for.
You can combine this entitlement with the working parent entitlement to receive 30 hours of childcare
If your child is already accessing the 15 hours funded childcare for working parents from 9 months up to 3 years old and you remain eligible, your child will automatically be moved onto 30 hours from the term after your child turns 3 years old.
You should keep reconfirming your code as normal and it will become usable to claim 30 hours. The actual code will remain the same. You should also speak to your childcare provider to let them know you intend to take up 30 hours.